Partition the table space as evenly as possible, because the degree of parallelism is influenced by skews in the data. 尽可能均匀地对表空间分区,因为数据不整齐会对并行度产生影响。
You should configure a dedicated partition for swap space as soon as possible. 您应该尽快为交换空间配置专用分区。
Screens are used to provide shelter, partition off a space, and as decoration. 屏风是用来提供隐蔽、分隔空间以及装饰用的。
Typically, all classes are loaded from the system ClassLoader; however, some systems partition their runtime space with different ClassLoaders. 通常情况下,所有类都是由系统ClassLoader装载的;可是有些系统使用不同的ClassLoader将其运行时空间进行了划分。
Compression algorithm of technology parameter curved face based on partition of solution space 基于解空间划分的工艺参数曲面压缩算法
Chinese Traditional Layout of Interior Space and Partition the Space Ambiguity 中国传统室内空间布局与隔断的空间模糊性
Accurate estimate of data distribution and efficient partition of data space are the key problems in high-dimensional indexing schemes. 而对数据分布的精确描述及对数据空间的有效划分是高维索引机制中的关键问题。
By introducing fuzzy set theory to partition normal class space, classification function or classifier based on membership function of normal class defined using core points and core radii are constructed. 然后,将模糊集理论引入正常类的类属划分中,利用核点和核半径定义正常类的隶属度函数,建立基于隶属度函数的分类函数或分类器。
The problem of the Steiner plane partition space is both old and attractive. Steiner平面分割空间问题是一个古老、诱人的问题。
The structure learning is used to obtain a proper fuzzy partition of input space, while the parameter learning is used to adjust parameters of the membership function and weights of the consequent part of the fuzzy rules based on the supervised gradient descent method. 结构学习的目的是对输入空间进行合理的模糊划分,而参数学习是通过有监督梯度下降算法来调整模糊规则中结论部分中的权值以及隶属度函数的参数。
In this paper, a novel fuzzy neural control approach based on the nonstandard partition of fuzzy space is proposed. 提出一种基于模糊空间非标准划分的模糊神经控制方法。
In this paper, fuzzy infinite-state automata that converge to fuzzy finite-state automata will be discussed by using discrete recurrent neural network and using the partition of output space of recurrent neural network, at the same time, the pseudo-gradient is used in our gradient update calculation. 本文中,我们使用离散的反馈神经网络及网络输出空间划分方法,同时,在梯度更新算法中使用伪梯度方法,给出了模糊无限状态自动机收敛到模糊有限状态自动机的证明。
The basic idea of a regression tree is to recursively partition the input space into two parts and approximate the function. 回归树的基本思想是通过递归分割将输入空间划分为两部分,对函数进行逼近。
Based on feature combination algorithm, this paper proves the system lattice convergence, and puts forward a method to partition input state space and output state space. After this, center and radius of control region are presented. 在特征合成算法的基础上,证明了该系统的格收敛性,提出了输入状态空间和输出状态空间的划分方法,给出了控制中心和半径。
Ion: District partition of tourism resource is one of basic work of tourism planning, actually, it is a work that partition the space according to the property of tourism resource, so the theory which district partition of tourism resource is based on is important. 旅游区划是旅游规划的前期基本工作,其实质是按旅游资源的特性将其所在的空间进行分割,而分割所采用的依据就成为区划合理性与否的重要条件。
Using the grid-type method to partition the space, regarding the modeling data as the antigen and the fuzzy rules as the antibody, this method determines the structure of T-S system with immune theory and adopts the least square method to estimate consequent parameters of the linear rule. 该方法结合网格空间划分方法,以建模数据为抗原,模糊规则为抗体,采用人工免疫原理确定系统结构,并应用最小二乘方法估计线性规则后件参数。
Based on the optimal partition method that uses representative points to partition the data space into subsets in a hierarchical manner, a novel distance-based index structure opt-tree and its variant h-tree are proposed. 为此,基于数据空间的优化划分,并且使用代表点,以层次结构方式划分数据,提出了一种新的基于距离的相似索引结构opt-树及其变种h-树。
On the basis of the space partition in high_dimension space, the paper has put forward a new nonlinear neural model-CC model and the construct algorithm of neural networks based on the CC model. 基于高维空间划分的原理,提出了一种非线性神经元CC模型和基于CC模型的神经网络的构造算法。
On basis of it, the problem of the Steiner plane partition space is deeply discussed and thus three theorems are derived. 在此基础上,对Steiner平面分割空间问题进行了更深入的讨论,获得了三个定理。
This method is based on fuzzy partition of input space, and it calculates the grade of membership of given patterns in each fuzzy subspace with the consequence parameters identification obtained by using Kalman filtering algorithm. 该方法是基于输入空间的模糊划分,计算给定样本在各模糊子空间的隶属度,并利用卡尔曼滤波算法辨识模糊模型的结论参数。
This paper reveals the two parameters bifurcation of equilibrium in neuron model, especially we partition the space into two region of firing pattern by two parameter. 本文研究神经元Chay模型中的平衡点的双参数分岔,将参数平面划分为两个区域:静息区域和放电区域。
It is necessary to partition state space into several regions and establish a reinforcement learning system with partitioning function. 分割状态空间为几个区域,建立具有分割功能的加强学习系统是必要的。
So the special case of the three theorems is the result of the problem of the Steiner plane partition space. Steiner平面分割空间问题的结果是这三个定理的特例。
The normalized factorial moments ( NFM) show good scaling properties in isotropical partition of phase space; 发现:三维归一化阶乘矩(NFM)的分布呈现出很好的标度特性;
Generalization of the Problem of the Steiner Plane Partition Space Steiner平面分割空间问题的推广
Grid-based data analysis methods partition a data space into rectangle cells, and analysis is performed on these cells. 使用网格方法的数据分析方法将空间划分为由(超)矩形网格单元组成的网格,然后在网格单元上进行各种分析。
The input sample texture image can be seen as searching space composed by multi-dimension vectors, and we partition the space by establishing data structure and update the candidate list to find the most similar neighborhood. 将输入纹理样本看作多维向量构成的搜索空间,通过建立数据结构并更新候选列表来划分搜索空间,快速查找最相似的邻域。
It mainly analyzed the features, partition and internal space at basic and expand features. At the same time, this paper analyzed the behavioral characteristics and psychological needs of the passengers in order to achieve the purpose of human design. 文章对基本和拓展层次的各功能从功能特点及分区、内部空间等方面进行分析,同时,围绕司乘人员的行为特点和心理需求进行分析,从而实现人性化设计的目的。
Comparatively analyzing the moving objects based partition and space based partition, two partition methods, and viewing the requirement of the real application in this thesis, we adopt the space based partition as the method that the severs manage distributed moving objects. 结合本文的实际应用需求,选择基于空间划分方法作为服务器对移动对象的分布式管理方法。
The main idea is to add policy of perception of memory to paging paths, which is in order to realize the partition of memory space and makes the task accessing memory in a controllable manner. 其基本思想是在分页路径上增加页面内存位置可感知的决策,以此来实现对任务使用内存区的指定,进而实现了任务对内存的可控访问。